OGUK medical certificate in Czech Republic

by OGUK Doctor

Oil & Gas UK Examining Doctor Dariusz Kraśnicki

Oil & Gas UK Examining Doctor Dariusz Kraśnicki

​Dear Pan Krasnicki,

My name is Robert, I'm from Prague. I found your contact details on the Oil and Gas UK: http://oilandgasuk.co.uk/knowledgecentre/doctors.cfm?page=result&country=Poland

I recently was hired to a new position in oil and gas industry, and was requested to pass the OGUK medical examination, and as there are no certified OGUK doctors in Czech, I would like to come to Poland, Wroclaw and pass it in your medical centre. Is it possible? Can we schedule a meeting? I can leave from Prague on Sunday, and meet you on Monday​, the 14th of September, next week, if it's convenient for you.

Please, kindly advise on this issue. And what would be the price? How much time it takes?

Thanks in advance,

Best regards,

My answer@
You have to perform in Praque: urine examination, morphology of blood and sugar in blood
and then we can meet on on Monday​, the 14th of September

Thanks for the prompt reply, Dr. Krasnicki
Ok, noted. I'll let you know, once I will be ready to go. Just couple of more questions: how much time it's actually required to pass this OGUK (one day is enough?) And how much it will cost me?

@My fee is 500 PLN and it takes about one hour.

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Oct 09, 2015
by: Anonymous

Dear Mr Krasnicki,

I am counting to be in your office October 8th as per you previous Email.
Let me know what time?

How much $$?
What do you need on the Blood test?
Do you need anything else from me to speed this process up?


Attached is copy of blood test and urine as requested. Please confirm that is all you need.

Confirm at what time should I be in your office on Thursday.

Thank you

Sep 09, 2015
OGUK Patient from Ostrava
by: Anonymous

Mi Mr. Krasnicki

It was just about a two years ago I have visited you for my OGUK certificate that I need to renew again.

I will be home in Ostrava during October and then again in early December.

The best date that would suit me would be Wednesday Dec 2 before noon as I will be on my way to Dresden or anytime during the week of October 19-23rd.

I am assuming you will need Blood check result not older than 30 days.

Any date between 12-16 of October is fine for me. Let me know what suits you the best and what time.

How much?...do you want USD or zloty? makes no difference to me...

What do you need on the blood test?

Let me know what date would be best for you so I can make proper arrangements.

Thank you

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